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 XXX French - Feature and Hardcore - Films (UpD) 
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

CelXXX et ses 3 droles de femmes ~ 2020 / HD Rip 720p


3 magnifiques petites bombes totalement devergondees vont nous montrez tout ce qu'elles connaissent en matiere de sexe bien hard et salace.

Genre : Gonzo, Arab Women, Blowjob, Big Butts, Facial Cumshots, POV, HD Rip 720p
Country: France
Name : Amaters

Year of release : 2020
Studio: HPG Prod

Video : AVC, 1280x720, 30.000 FPS, 2499 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:38:31
File Size : 1.81 GB

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13 čer 2020, 04:12
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Ah Oui Regarde Moi Pepere - Grandad Look At Me ~ 2019 / HD Rip 720p


They love to see their girls playing through the anus and the vagina, not with their own cocks... But with those of men they don't even know! Long live candaulism!
Ils adorent voir leurs femmes jouir par l�anus et le vagin, mais pas avec leurs bites ... Avec celles de mecs qu�ils ne connaissent meme pas ! Vive le candaulisme !

Genre : All Sex, Anal, Amateurs, Mature, Roleplay, Gonzo, Threesomes, Stockings, Cumshots, HD Rip 720p
Country: France
Name : Luna Rival, Elo Love, Zoe, Gerard Bouchon, Karl Bepasse, Herve Pierre Gustave, Yoyo

Year of release : 2019
Studio: HPG Production

Video : AVC, 1280x720, 29.970 FPS, 3000 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:30:30
File Size : 1.98 GB

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13 čer 2020, 08:38
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Poker Fesses ~ 2018 / FullHD Rip 1080p


Damien organizes a poker game every year in his country house, where he invites all his close friends. But this time, he decided to spice up the game, asking his guests to bet one of the most expensive things they can own. If the guests have a little trouble with the idea at first, another thing comes to spice up the stay: everyone indulges in frolic with each other, whether single or couple!

Genre : Anal, Big Tits, Etero, Mature / Milf, Interracial, Oral, Cum shots, IR, FullHD Rip 1080p
Country: France
Name : Julie Bellecourt, Emma Klein, Chloe Lamour

Year of release : 2018
Studio: Hotvideo / Jacquie et Michel

Video : AVC, 1920x1080, 25.000 FPS, 3500 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 96.0 kb/s
Duration : 01:29:19
File Size : 2.25 GB

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14 čer 2020, 00:21
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Black Dicks Addicts (BDWC) ~ 2018 / FullHD 1080p


Slutty whores only like cocks in XXL size. They love to ride them, especially up their assholes. One wonders how such big cocks can fit in their tight pussies.

Genre : All Sex, Anal, Amateurs, Mature, Interracial, Threesomes, DP, Gonzo, Cumshots, FullHD 1080p
Country: France
Name : Amateurs

Video : AVC, 1920x1080, 30.000 FPS, 3000 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:18:44
File Size : 1.72 GB

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14 čer 2020, 00:23
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Femmes Mariees Pour Plans Culs ~ FullHD Rip 1080p


We meet three naughty looking ass shots, Berenice, Lily and Nathalie. These married women have a huge sexual appetite and can not settle for what they have at home. And therefore, regularly seeking to be fucked by other men to satisfy their desires ...

Genre : Anal, BJ, Etero, Gonzo, Mature / MILF, Tits, Facial, Oral, Outdoors, Cum shots, FullHD Rip 1080p
Country: France
Name : Berenice, Lily, Nathalie

Year of release : 2019
Studio: Hotvideo / Le coq enchante / Jacquie et Michel

Video : AVC, 1920x1080, 25.000 FPS, 3500 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 96.0 kb/s
Duration : 01:41:23
File Size : 2.56 GB

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14 čer 2020, 16:50
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Mariska la soumise - Mariska, desires of submision ~ Year 2020


Jean Lefort est l�un des � Maitres � les plus influents de la capitale. Par le passe, les charmantes Claire Castel, Lana Rhoades et Clea Gaultier ont pu decouvrir des plaisirs et des sensations dont elles ignoraient totalement l�existence avant de faire sa rencontre.
Aujourd�hui, c�est la belle Alexis Crystal qui est en passe de decouvrir que la sodomie et la double penetration peuvent lui faire atteindre des orgasmes d�une rare intensite. Totalement offerte a la parole et aux caresses de son mentor, la jeune femme est bien decidee a s�abandonner totalement aux deux inconnus qui les ont rejoints pour un trio dont elle devrait se souvenir longtemps. Incapable de resister au desir, Alexis lache totalement prise. Ce qu�elle ignorait, c�est que Clea Gaultier, l�une des soumises de Jean, accompagnee de Mariska, ne loupe rien du spectacle qui est offert.
Mariska pensait etre une femme accomplie. Elle va vite realiser qu�il lui reste beaucoup de plaisirs a decouvrir et de fantasmes a realiser. Mariee depuis plusieurs annees, elle n�avait pas pris conscience que la routine s�etait installee dans son couple. Sa recente rencontre avec Clea Gaultier et son mentor Jean Lefort vont rapidement lui ouvrir les portes d�une sexualite totalement epanouie.

Troublee par cette soiree un peu particuliere, Mariska rentre vite rejoindre son mari dans leur riche appartement parisien. David semble plus ouvert aux nouvelles experiences que sa femme et propose meme a sa compagne de tenter de nouvelles choses. Reticente au premier abord, cette derniere semble se plaire dans cette relation un peu trop tranquille. Pourtant, l�experience de ce soir l�a fortement excitee et elle compte bien faire profiter son mari de la scene dont elle a ete temoin ce soir pour son plus grand plaisir.
Des le lendemain, ne pouvant oublier le spectacle de la veille, Mariska accompagne Clea a son rendez-vous avec Jean Lefort. Ce dernier decide de prendre les choses en main et de voir jusqu�ou cette femme est prete a aller pour sortir de sa zone de confort et lui prouver qu�elle n�est pas juste une � curieuse �. Malgre le plaisir apparent qu�elle a ressenti en regardant Alexis se faire prendre par deux hommes, elle a encore enormement de chemin a parcourir pour devenir une veritable soumise.

Heureusement pour elle, Clea est la femme parfaite pour l�accompagner dans cette veritable aventure sexuelle. Desormais parfaitement a l�aise avec sa propre sexualite, Clea en profite pour suivre les deux serveurs du restaurant dans la cuisine. Les deux hommes, d�abord un peu surpris, comprennent vite ses intentions et comptent bien profiter du moment present. Il faut dire que depuis qu�elle a rencontre Jean, la jeune femme est devenue une experte du sexe capable d�offrir tous ses orifices aux hommes qui lui plaisent. Voila un pourboire en nature que les deux hommes auraient regrette s�ils l�avaient refuse.
Le jour suivant, Mariska se rend dans un magasin specialise dans les accessoires SM. Un peu impressionnee, elle achete un simple collier muni d�une chaine qu�elle s�empresse de montrer a David en rentrant chez elle. D�abord un peu surpris, ce dernier est vite excite par la nouvelle attitude de sa femme d�habitude si reservee. Apres lui avoir passe la laisse autour du coup et l�avoir promenee a quatre pattes dans le salon, quelle n�est pas sa surprise de l�entendre dire qu�elle desire enfin qu�il la sodomise. Elle qui s�etait toujours refuse a lui de cette maniere, la voila enfin devenue une autre femme, beaucoup plus ouverte et desireuse de ressentir de nouvelles sensations.
De son cote, Jean Lefort est bien decide a poursuivre la formation de sa nouvelle recrue Alexis Crystal. Moins prude que son ainee, cette derniere est bien decidee a vivre a fond sa sexualite, aussi bien avec les hommes qu�avec les femmes. Aujourd�hui, c�est avec la belle Alyssa Reece qu�elle a decide de passer la soiree. Deja adepte de la sodomie, cette derniere n�a jusqu�a present jamais tente l�experience avec une femme. Ce soir, elle connaitra l�extase en laissant Jean la prendre par derriere tout en se laissant caresser par la jolie Alexis. Que demander de mieux ?
Pour parfaire l�education de sa femme, David lui a reserve une surprise. En compagnie de Clea, Mariska le rejoint dans un club tres prive. Apres s�etre deshabillee devant des inconnus, cette femme encore si reservee il y a peu va enfin prendre part a sa toute premiere orgie. Apres sa toute premiere sodomie, la belle Mariska va desormais decouvrir le plaisir ultime de la double penetration et de l�amour avec de multiples partenaires. Cette experience inoubliable fera d�elle une femme accomplie dont le sexe et tous ses plaisirs feront desormais partie integrante de sa vie quotidienne.
Avec ce quatrieme (et dernier ?) volet de la serie des � soumises �, le realisateur Herve Bodilis nous prouve que meme une femme accomplie peut encore vivre de nouvelles experiences et decouvrir l�existence d�une sexualite dont elle n�avait jusque-la pas conscience.

Genre : Anal, Big Tits, Gonzo, Threesome, Lesbians, Lingerie, Sex Toys, Group Sex, Interracial, DVD Rips
Country: France
Name : Mariska, Alexis Crystal, Clea Gaultier, Alyssa Reece, Kristof Cale, David Perry, Joss Lescaf, Maximo Garcia, Ricky Mancini, Rico Simmons, Josh

Year of release : 2020

Video : AVC, 960x540, 25.000 FPS, 3228 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels
Duration : 02:35:34
File Size : 4.12 GB

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15 čer 2020, 15:20
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Escort a Domicile ~ Year 2018


It has become so hot to find a serious ass plan that I do not take my head anymore. We order everything on the internet so why not pay a little ass from time to time. We check the box "sodomy" on the app and we have a good time.

Genre : All Sex, Anal, +18 Teens, Mature, Threesome, DP, Stockings, Facial Cumshots, DVD Rips
Country: France
Name : Shirinna Nouna, Isabella Rivera, Lina Luxa, Tonio Charme, Seiya , Michael Cheritto, Olivier Lec?ur

Year of release : 2018

Video : AVC, 854x480, 30.000 FPS, 768 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:42:30
File Size : 664 MB

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16 čer 2020, 12:34
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Sweet Petite Teenie Treat ~ Year 2019


Wow, these girls are skinny but they sure look hot. See how these petite teen girls are getting nailed by some big fat cocks till they get covered in cum. Hardcore teen lovers will be satisfied for sure with these hot naughty fuckers in action.

Genre : All Sex, BJ, Euro, Small Tits, Teen, DVD Rips
Country: France / EU
Name : Mina K., Nelya Small, Oliver Trunk, Stefy Shee, Kamilla C, Sofi Smile

Year of release : 2019

Video : AVC, 960x540, 25.000 FPS, 1659 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 02:20:23
File Size : 1.76 GB

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16 čer 2020, 16:40
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Gros Seins Pour Queutards - Big Tits For Fucks ~ Year 2019 / FullHD Rip 1080p


Our Fucksters are very lucky. They have the right to meet real nymphomaniacs who have big desire to fu*k! And little thing more these girls have big breasts and they know well how to handle wonderfully.

Genre : Anal, Big Boobs, Busty, European, MILFs, Mature, French, Gonzo, Tattoos, Stockings, FullHD Rip 1080p
Country: France
Name : Karen M., Lena, Emma B.

Year of release : 2019
Studio: Hot Video

Video : AVC, 1920x1080, 25.000 FPS, 3500 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 96.0 kb/s
Duration : 01:45:25
File Size : 2.66 GB

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16 čer 2020, 22:15
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Nos Ch`tites Salopes Lilloises - Our Slut Lille Sluts ~ Year 2019 / HD Rip 720p


It's hot in the Ch'Nord! The naughty Lille have decided to go out the big game, and to be fucked in large widths. France is known for its Eiffel Tower, its baguettes and its Moulin Rouge, but one of its national treasures remains inexplicably unsung: welcoming petite teens who love big dicks and hardcore sex. Come and get hard for these cute girls!

Genre : Anal, BJ, Teens, MILFs, Gonzo, Facial, Cumshots, HD Rip 720p
Country: France
Name : Angel Emily, Sophie Mods, Veronique G.

Year of release : 2019
Studio: Le coq enchante

Video : AVC, 1280x720, 25.000 FPS, 2495 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 192 kb/s
Duration : 02:10:41
File Size : 2.46 GB

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16 čer 2020, 23:56
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Stars 1 ~ Year 2020


Tonight, the pretty Claire Castel has a date with two strangers in one of the most exclusive clubs in Paris. As soon as she arrives, simply dressed in a transparent outfit that hides nothing of her perfect curves, the young woman hastens to take the hard sex of her partners in her mouth. This sex expert gives them perfect fellatio, which she has the secret of. After this intense oral sex, the two men take advantage of all the charms that Claire has to offer them. This is an evening that Claire should remember for a long time.
Cherry Kiss, Zazie Skymm and Anya Krey have been friends for a long time but never find the time to get together. To make up for lost time, these three beautiful young women have decided to spend a few days together in a splendid villa. Although they've never taken the plunge before, the sexual tension between the three friends is palpable. While Cherry admires the pretty Zazie coming out of the pool simply dressed in a white swimsuit revealing her sensual curves, Anya slips in behind her and begins to caress her with passion. It doesn't take much more than that for these young women to finally break through the invisible barrier that separates them. As if she had planned everything from the start, Anya pulls out an anal plug that she slowly inserts into Cherry's anus. Between languorous kisses and tender lesbian games, there's a good chance that from now on, they'll jump at every opportunity to spend time together.
Sybil and Charlie Dean have been seeing each other for some time now, but the young woman has decided to stall her boyfriend before offering herself to him. Yet one day she makes him an offer he'd be foolish to refuse. He has been waiting for so long to take full advantage of the young woman's perfect curves. As soon as Charlie arrives at her place, Sybil kisses him on the lips as she caresses him. If he still had any, Charlie now has no doubt about the young lady's intentions. After a languorous striptease, Sybil reveals the sexy lingerie she wore for the occasion. Not wanting to waste any more time, the couple caresses each other before moving on to more serious things. Why waste time going to the bedroom when a pool table does the trick? The young woman can't refuse her boyfriend anything in this sweet and intense sex game.
Anissa Kate is a pretty brunette whose curves would make any man crack. Anissa's husband is well aware that he can't fully satisfy his wife's sexual desires on his own, so he gives her complete freedom to have fun with other men during his many business trips. For example, tonight Anissa met two strangers at a club. It didn't take long to convince them to follow her to her rich apartment for one of the most intense threesomes. Very excited by her generous shapes barely hidden by her luscious lingerie, the two men intend to take full advantage of the young woman's charms. She was waiting for it and to be sure to leave them with an imperishable memory, she offers them all her orifices soaked with desire, even going so far as to let them sodomize her deeply.
Kaisa Nord and Alberto Blanco met by chance while jogging on the beach. But the current immediately passed between them and they quickly decided to move in together. Their attraction is such that the doesn�t care where they are to enjoy each other's bodies. Whether in an underground car park or simply in the living room of their new apartment, everything is an excuse to make love. To properly celebrate their move and to organize an original and intimate house-warming party, the pretty redhead has decided that a striptease would be enough to get her partner excited. Although he knows every curve of her perfect body, Alberto is not a man to turn down such a proposal.

Genre : 18+ Teens, Blowjobs, Lingerie, Prebooks, Sex Toy Play, Compilation, DVD Rips
Country: France
Name : Anissa Kate, Claire Castel, Cherry Kiss, Kristof Cale, Kaisa Nord, Zazie Skymm, Alberto Blanco, Rico Simmons, Charlie Dean, Anya Krey, Math, Lorenzo Viota

Year of release : 2020
Studio: Marc Dorcel

Video : AVC, 720x406, 23.976 FPS, 1045 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 125 kb/s
Duration : 03:00:49
File Size : 1.48 GB

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17 čer 2020, 04:05
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Coup d un soir filme - Shot of a filmed evening ~ 2020 / HD Rip 720p


Elles cherchent seulement des relations sans lendemain, un petit coup d�un soir, histoire de s�amuser ! Cette fois-ci, on les a filmees� De l�adultere a la premiere vraie experience sexuelle, ce qu�elles veulent, c�est lacher prise !

Genre : Anal, Gonzo, Fetish, Threesome, Group, Lingerie, Outdoor, HD Rip 720p
Country: France
Name : Carlie, Kelly Pix, Julie A., Cassie C., Anto Toto, Tony Caliano, Max Casanova

Year of release : 2020
Studio: Zone sexuelle

Video : AVC, 1280x720, 30.000 FPS, 2499 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:30:27
File Size : 1.67 GB

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17 čer 2020, 11:52
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

A 40 Year-Old Wife`s Deep Desires ~ 2020 / FullHD Rip 1080p


Lily, in her forties, is a marriage counselor in a rich neighborhood in London. She provides support to troubled couples who come to seek her advice. One might think that she applies the advice she gives them to her personal life, but it is not the case. Ania is married to a businessman who works in the City and is always on business trips or cheating on her with Kim, a young student.
Feeling abandoned, Ania set up a very private reading club with some of her patients who became true friends. To get out of their daily routine, these women live by proxy the erotic adventures they discover during their reading sessions. Whether with one or more strangers or between them, Lily, Claire and Melissa fulfill some of their deepest fantasies while remaining faithful to their husbands.

Genre : All Sex, Anal, BJ, DP, Feature, French,Stockings, Mature, MILF, Lingerie, FullHD Rip 1080p
Country: France
Name : Ania Kinski, Lina Luxa, Amber Jayne, Tiffany Rousso

Year of release : 2020
Studio: Marc Dorcel

Video : AVC, 1920x1080, 30.000 FPS, 6000 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:55:21
File Size : 4.91 GB

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17 čer 2020, 16:46
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Defonce mon cul, c'est porte ouverte ~ 2020 / HD Rip 720p


L�anal, c�est une passion chez ces superbes chiennes qui puent le sexe. Leur cul, c�est un peu un centre d�accueil, tant elles adorent se sentir remplies par des bites bien dures !

Genre : Anal, Gonzo, Threesome, Double Penetration, Lingerie, HD Rip 720p
Country: France
Name : Noemie, Dana

Year of release : 2020
Studio: Zone sexuelle

Video : AVC, 1280x720, 30.000 FPS, 2499 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s
Duration : 01:54:04
File Size : 2.10 GB

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18 čer 2020, 13:30
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Registrován: 28 bře 2017, 14:46
Příspěvky: 15636

Baisees Par 2 Mecs - Fucked By 2 Guys ~ 2020 / HD Rip 720p


Qui dit deux mecs dit forcement double plaisir ! Premiere experience pour ces trois petites salopes pour qui le trio ne fait absolument pas peur voire humidifie davantage leur belle vulve�

Genre : Anal, BJ, Big Butt, Double Penetration, Threesome, Gonzo, Lingerie, HD Rip 720p
Country: France
Name : Camille, Laurence, Rebecca, Olivier Lecoeur, Tony Caliano, Vlad Castle

Year of release : 2020
Studio: Le coq enchante

Video : AVC, 1280x720, 25.000 FPS, 2500 kb/s
Audio : AAC LC , 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 192 kb/s
Duration : 01:56:04
File Size : 2.19 GB

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18 čer 2020, 17:24
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