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1. Dodržujte zde základní PRAVIDLA Warcenteru.
2. Při vkládání tématu se přesvědčte že neexistuje tlačítkem HLEDAT.
3. Do sekce patří antiviry, programy na správu PC (CCleaner ap.), firewally, atd...
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6. ZÁKAZ cizojazyčných popisů.
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Registrován: 18 říj 2010, 13:41
Příspěvky: 33633
Příspěvek Launcher

Launcher v4.0
LAXiTY Release

Some of the features of the Launcher:

Small, super-fast while using little resources. Therefore minimum hardware requirements.

Available as Setup.exe with uninstaller or as a simple zip-file without installation. It does not save anything in the registry.

Runs independently of given drive letters. The perfect solution for all USB-sticks.

Provides a visually appealing and intuitive operation within a sizable window in impressive superfine quality.

Much more elegant and also significantly faster than the Windows start-menu which is often very confusing.

Evaluates links correctly, including any parameters and allows to define more meaningful titles.

Very flexible and easy arrangement of your symbols. The window can be positioned everwhere on the desktop and it docks to screen-edges.

Various possibilities to reduce the window-size, hide it, keep it always in the foreground and automatically get pulled of the screen. Shows up only when needed!

Control the transparency of the window with fade-in and fade-out effects.

Icons and hotkeys with numerous spezial-functions.

Set your own wallpaper in combination with a frameless window.

A tinted window adapts even better to your desktop background. Pages can be sorted by color.

Simple safety concept based on a main menu that can be disabled. Lock your settings at home or even more important on public computers.

Use Popup-windows to display messages of any kind, both on your local machine and on remote computers within your network.

Integrated call monitor for incoming and outgoing calls, (FritzBox required) with optional reverse search of unknown numbers. A warning will be shown if a phone number is rated questionable.

Localized in 3 languages. (German English French)
and many more ...

Jen registrovaní uživatelé mohou vidět odkazy v code. Přihlaste se nebo zaregistrujte ZDARMA.

Archív obsahuje program + textový dokument se licenčním číslem (zkopírovat do adresáře s nainstal. programem) / záznam pro opravu dat 3 %
Jen registrovaní uživatelé mohou vidět odkazy v code. Přihlaste se nebo zaregistrujte ZDARMA.

Nově pro dělené archívy přidávám záchranné segmenty. Pokud původní .part nelze stáhnout či je nevratně poškozen lze jej nahradt záchranným segmentem (platí pro jakýkoliv .part z daného Uploadu). 1 segment = jeden nahraditelný chybějící \ poškozený .part

04 čer 2020, 18:10
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