MOBILedit! Standard v7.1.0.3719/Forensic v6.9.0.2876
After downloading MOBILedit to your PC, you can connect your phone via cable, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or through our mobile app, which is available for many different platforms. You will then be able to view the entire contents of your phone and synchronize, add, edit or delete anything you’d like.With so much important data in your phone it is essential to have a professional tool to maximize what your phone can do for you. The use of a PC keyboard makes all the difference when you’re adding new contacts to your phonebook, managing files or sending text messages.
Full phone status information
• Picture of your phone
• Name of the phone – manufacturer and model
• Signal strength, battery status
• Current network operator, connection type, hardware and software revision
• SIM card information
• Remaining storage space
• Phone’s display resolution
• Phone’s platform/OS
MOBILedit 7.1 changes
• Screenshot to PNG image for Android OS 4.0+ phones
• Contacts Optimizer improved
• Search function issues fixed
• Non-functioning Immediate Write in some circumstances fixed
• Minor UI glitches fixed
• Other minor bugs fixed