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 Blumentals WeBuilder 2014 v12.2.0.150 Multilingual 
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Registrován: 24 dub 2011, 16:49
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Příspěvek Blumentals WeBuilder 2014 v12.2.0.150 Multilingual

Blumentals WeBuilder 2014 v12.2.0.150 Multilingual

Blumentals WeBuilder 2014 v12.2.0.150 Multilingual

WeBuilder is revolutionary all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs. Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, SSI, Perl code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner.

Key Features
• Speed – loads very quickly
• Sophisticated, fully customizable and familiar text editor
• Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, WML, XML
• Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net, C#.Net, Ruby, eRuby, Perl, SQL
• UTF-8 Unicode Support
• Advanced HTML editing with Auto Complete, Inspector and other tools
• Advanced CSS editing with built-in CSS editor
• Advanced javascript editing with built-in javascript editor
• Advanced PHP editing with built-in PHP editor
• Advanced Ruby editing with built-in Ruby editor
• Debug PHP code with xDebug debugger
• Realtime PHP Syntax Check
• Code snippet library and code templates
• Save and open files directly from FTP/SFTP
• Project management and FTP/SFTP publishing
• Matching bracket highlighting
• Matching and missing HTML tag highlighting
• SQL database connectivity (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Interbase)
• Search and Replace with Regular Expression Support
• Search and Replace in files
• Spell Checker for text in HTML code and TXT files
• Code collapse
• Multi Item Clipboard
• Ready to use Code Templates
• SVN Support via TortoiseSVN and shell menus from File Explorer
• Countless goodies (block select, line highlighting, text indentation etc.)

New features and improvments:
• Improved text editor – updated text selection, undo and redo behavior
• Improved Code Explorer with filtering feature
• Improved Find and Find in Files
• New CSS definitions – IE 8, FireFox 3, Safari, iPhone
• Greatly improved Project Publishing dialog
• One-click publish all changes to web
• Improved FTP and SFTP stability and compatibility
• Auto complete for brackets and quotes
• Improved Color Picker
• Updated live syntax checker for PHP
• PHP 5 object oriented programming support
• Support for custom PHP libraries
• Powerful javascript support
• Internet Explorer 8 preview
• Many minor but effective usability enhancements
• Works with Windows 7
• Improved performance and robustness

<<<|||>>> DOWNLOAD NOW ..!! <<<|||>>>
| Size: 22,47 MB
| OS: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008/7/8 (x86/x64)
| Language: Multilingual

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