Jde o speciální vytvořenou edici která je určena na BOX krabici, všechny tři Soundtracky v jednom BOXU + Soundtracky jsou kompletně upravené a vytvořil jsem k tomu i obaly, přední, zadní a vnitřní části obalu + potisky na CD. Dal jsem si opravdu záležet aby to nějak vypadalo tak snad úpravu oceníte. Všechno je převedeno do MP3 v kvalitě 192Kbps

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CD101 - (Main Title) The Matrix
02 - Trinity In A Jam
03 - The Matrix Has You
04 - The White Rabbit
05 - Dragula (Incidental Cue)
06 - Mindfields (Incidental Cue)
07 - They're Coming For You
08 - In Custody
09 - Unable To Speak
10 - Getting The Bug Out
11 - Down The Rabbit Hole
12 - Rebirth
13 - Welcome
14 - The Nebuchadnezzar Crew
15 - The Real World
16 - The Search Is Over¨
17 - Training Begins
18 - Bow Whisk Orchestra
19 - Neo vs Morpheus
20 - Switch Or Break Show
21 - Free Your Mind
22 - First Jump
23 - Dinner
24 - The Gatekeepers
25 - The Truth
26 - Sentinels
27 - A Drink With Cypher
28 - Dealing For Bliss
29 - Prime Audio Soup (Incidental Cue)
30 - Off To See The Oracle
31 - There Is No Spoon
CD201 - Choices
02 - The Hotel Ambush
03 - Exit Mr. Hat
04 - Cypher's Burnout
05 - Perfect World
06 - Matters Of Belief
07 - A Virus
08 - The Key
09 - Lobby Shooting Spree
10 - Spybreak (Incidental Cue)
11 - Saving Morpheus
12 - Bullet-Time
13 - B-212 Helicopter
14 - Ontological Shock
15 - The Subway Showdown
16 - The Sentinels Attack
17 - Anything Is Possible
18 - (End Title) Wake Up Neo
20 - Clubbed To Death
21 - The Matrix Trailer
CD101 - (Main Title) The Matrix Reloaded
02 - Trinity Dream
03 - Enter The Nebuchadnezzar
04 - Smith At The Door
05 - Furious Angels
06 - Smith Vs. Smith
07 - Free Flight
08 - Wonder Of Zion
09 - The Lascivious Lift
10 - Link And Zee
11 - Morpheus On The Mount
12 - Zion
13 - Goodnight Zion
14 - The Bane Transformation
15 - The Bane Voyage
16 - First, I Must Apologize
17 - Teahouse
18 - The Industrial Highway
19 - Oracle Oratory
20 - Purpose That Created Us
21 - The Burly Brawl
22 - The Burly Brawl (Alternate)
23 - Multiple Replication
24 - The Council Of Cool
25 - Meeting The Merovingian
26 - Niaiserie
27 - Choice Is An Illusion
28 - Sample This
29 - Meet The Keymaker
30 - Some Skill
CD 201 - Chateau
02 - Chateau Swashbuckling
03 - Double Trouble
04 - Mona Lisa Overdrive
05 - Truck Vs. Truck
06 - The Plan
07 - Final Flight Of The Vigilant
08 - Kill The Keymaster
09 - Doddering Old Fool
10 - The Problem Is Choice
11 - Window Switch
12 - Neo Miraculous
13 - No More Nebuchadnezzar
14 - Contusion Conclusion
15 - (End Title) Calm Like A Bomb
BONUS TRACK16 - When The World Ends
17 - Furious Angels (Sings Version)
18 - The Matrix Reloaded Trailer
CD 101 - (Main Title) The Matrix Revolutions
02 - Nothing But Blue Pills
03 - Ak, Colt And Mauser
04 - Our Lit Ovens
05 - Oracle Debacle
06 - The Trainman Cometh
07 - The Trainman Goeth
08 - Sin, Toil, Extra Vermouth (Tetsujin)
09 - In My Head
10 - The Road To Hell
11 - Time's Up
12 - The Road To Sourceville
13 - He Is You
14 - The First Goodbye
15 - The All-Knowing Oracle
16 - The Logos Location
17 - It's Crazy Zee
18 - Das Banegold
19 - The Bane Revelation
20 - The Smith Within Us
21 - Men In Metal
22 - Niobe's Run
23 - The Breach
24 - Boom Hilda
25 - Die Brunette Walkure
26 - Mjolner Mastication
CD 201 - Charra Broiled
02 - Woman Can Drive
03 - Moribund Mifune
04 - Kid Fried
05 - To Our Snivel
06 - Neovision
07 - Saw Bitch Workhorse
08 - Trinity Definitely
09 - Deus Ex Machina
10 - Neodammerung
11 - Why, Mr. Anderson
12 - Spirit Of The Universe
13 - Bridge Of Immortality
14 - For Neo
15 - (End Title) Navras
BONUS TRACK16 - Selena
17 - Left Me For Dead
18 - The Matrix Revolutions Trailer