Homefront The Revolution Freedom Fighter Bundle (2016), 34.46GBElAmigos release, game is already cracked after installation (crack by 3DM or Codex). Updated to version 1.078.1055 (06.03.2017).DLC list: Beyond the Walls, Aftermath, The Voice of Freedom, Liberty Pack, Revolutionary Spirit Pack, The Wing Skull Pack, The Combat Stimulant Pack, The Guerrilla Care Package, Expansion Pass.
Upload size / to download: 35286MB
RAR parts: 1020MB (interchangeable/compatible)
ISO image size: 35286MB (+62700MB after installation)
ISO image size with only English audio language: 28869MB (28.19GB)
Number of compressions: only one
Data recovery: none
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil, Czech, Japanese
Dubbing/Audio: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish
UPLOADEDSHARE-ONLINEHomefront The Revolution patch/update 10.04.2017 & crack (by 3DM or Codex), 42MBUPLOADEDSHARE-ONLINE