Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition (2002-2004), 5.50GBElAmigos release, unprotected game (serial or crack is not necessary). Updated to version 1.68. Instructions: install, play.Included content: Neverwinter Nights + Shadows of Undrentide + Hordes of the Underdark + Kingmaker (only ENG/POL translations; Kingmaker, ShadowGuard, Witch's Wake). Bonus: Artworks, Avatars, Manuals, Map, Soundtrack, Wallpapers.
Upload size / to download: 5633MB
RAR parts: 1000MB (interchangeable/compatible)
ISO image size: 5633MB
ISO image size with only English audio language: 2478MB (2.42GB)
Number of compressions: only one
Data recovery: none
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech (unofficial)
Dubbing/Audio: English, French, German, Polish