Might & Magic Heroes VI: Complete Edition (2011), 9.28GBElAmigos release, game is already cracked after installation (crack by Reloaded). Updated to version 2.1.1 (07.01.2014).Included content: Might & Magic Heroes VI + Shades of Darkness + Pirates of the Savage Sea + Danse Macabre Adventure Pack + Soundtrack/Artbook/Poster.
Upload size / to download: 9500MB
RAR parts: 1000MB (interchangeable/compatible)
ISO image size: 9500MB
ISO image size with only English language: 6620MB (6.46GB)
Number of compressions: only one
Data recovery: none
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Korean
Dubbing/Audio: English, French, German, Spanish, Polish