Shotokan Karate Basics with Frank Brennan Tutorials

Frank Brennan was born in the City of Liverpool on the 6th of May, 1960. He was always sport-oriented, and he took up Gymnastics while at school. At the age of 12 he tried to join the Red Triangle Karate club, but he was told to go and join the Judo club for a year, as he was too young. This was particularly galling, as his brother was accepted for the club, but it made him all the more determined to gain membership. In 1973, he was successful and started to train at the club under the tuition of Andy Sherry.
Audio:mpeg audio 192kbps
1. The Beginners Guide to Shotokan Karate
2. Kihon: Fundamental techniques.
3. Kata: Kihon Kata, Heian Shodan & Heian Nidan.
4. Kumite: Gohon Kumite (five step sparring).
5. The Intermediate Guide to Shotokan Karate
6. Kihon: Fundamental techniques.
7. Kata: Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan, Heian Godan & Tekki Shodan.
8. Kumite: Ippon Kumite (one step sparring).