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 Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars 
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Registrován: 11 kvě 2009, 03:21
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Příspěvek Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars

/) Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars

Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars

Igor Yakimov, the worlds leading authority on Russian Sambo returns to video with his most explosive series ever, Ultimate Armbars! In his famous Ultimate Leglocks series, Igor wrote the book on using leglocks in competition and street situations. In this new series, Igor covers hundreds of armbars and combinations including shoulder locks, wrist locks and elbow locks, from every possible position imaginable. Learn to immediately place your opponent into the most brutal armbars possible from takedowns, side-control, guard, mount, turtle position and more! This new DVD Video Series will forever be considered the armbar bible for grapplers and is a must have for all fighters regardless of style. If you think you have seen every way to submit someone with an armbar, you will be more then impressed with this new series.

Igor Yakimov is a graduate of the prestigious Choboskary military school were he was trained in the art of combat and sport fighting. He was twice Russian national Sambo Champion and once International Sambo Champion. He currently holds the rank of Master Class instructor and is the North American representative for F.I.A.S., the largest Sambo sanctioning body in the world.
Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars
Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars

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Igor Yakimov - Russian Sambo Judo Leglocks

Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars
English | MP3 @ 128kbps | 640x368 | DX50 @ 256kbps | 1.99 GB

Igor Yakimov - Ultimate ArmbarsIgor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars
Igor Yakimov - Ultimate ArmbarsIgor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars
Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Armbars

All new on DVD! Russian Sambo leg locks are the most devastating you will find anywhere! Igor Yakimov's Ultimate Leg Locks of Russian Sambo video series is considered to be the greatest work on leg locks ever produced. This tape set stars Igor Yakimov, widely considered to be the best leglock specialist in Russia! Let Igor show you leglocks like you have never seen before including ankle locks, knee bars, knee knots, calf crushes and brutal hip twist that will devastate your opponents. You will see how to apply Russian Sambo leglocks from virtually every position possible with many of these never seen before outside of Russia! Many of these leg locks are so advanced, they utilize multiple locks at the same time, crushing, twisting and breaking the legs in multiple areas all in the same technique. You will even learn Russian Sambo leglocks and armbars that can be done together at the same time! We guarantee that this video series will blow you away with techniques that can be used in the street or for sport. Over 250 techniques in all!

VOLUME 1: Takedowns into Leglocks
VOLUME 2: Takedowns into Leglocks
VOLUME 3: Leglocks Inside the Guard

VOLUME 4: Leglocks from the Guard
VOLUME 5: Leglocks Across the Side
VOLUME 6: Leglocks from the Mount & Back

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