Incident at Oglala (1992) INFO:Michael Apted, USA, English, 1992, 89 min.(en) On June 26, 1975, during a period of high tensions on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, two FBI agents were killed in a shootout with a group of Indians. Although several men were charged with killing the agents, only one, Leonard Peltier, was found guilty. This film describes the events surrounding the shootout and suggests that Peltier was unjustly convicted.
(sk) 26. júna 1975 počas poriódy veľkého napätia v indiánskej rezervácii Pine Ridge v Južnej Dakote, boli zabití dvaja agenti FBI pri prestrelke so skupinou indiánov. Hoci bolo viac mužov obvinených zo zabitia týchto agentov, len jeden bol odsúdený - Leonard Peltier. Tento film popisuje udalosti okolo prestrelky a prichádza k záveru, že Peltier bol neprávom odsúdený.
Trailer/Clip:Download:Incident.At.Oglala.1992.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiTNO PASSWORD / ŽIADNE HESLO
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