![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/mudyk4aon/Superior_Carnage_02_000.jpg)
Superior Carnage 02 (of 05) (2013) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/vmqbu26fr/bis0.jpg)
Star Wars 008 (2013) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/j2zsk27mf/batman66007_0008roqy.jpg)
Batman '66 007 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/ajgemaz9z/breathofbones_ataleof6qke7.jpg)
Breath of Bones - A Tale of the Golem 03 (of 03) (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/jd7b3em8n/halo_initiation001_00zakr7.jpg)
Halo - Initiation 001 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/uw2720tg7/plantsvs_zombies006_0a7pa3.jpg)
Plants vs. Zombies - Lawnmageddon 06 (of 06) (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/cf7sb7dhz/residentalien_thesuicwhkxn.jpg)
Resident Alien - The Suicide Blonde 000 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/viwidt0yf/shadow_greenhornet_dadnk2w.jpg)
The Shadow - Green Hornet - Dark Nights 002 (2013) (2 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/h632fhgyf/truelivesofthefabulou1fk54.jpg)
The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys 003 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/tlzs98aaf/x004_001bxj4a.jpg)
X 004 - Eye Without a Face (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/plx8aq97b/astrocity2013_003_000najxl.jpg)
Astro City 003 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/5fp4y3o5z/A9_RELw_B.jpg)
Batgirl 023 (2013) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/gs6btmm8n/Ea_Xd7_Mo.jpg)
Demon Knights 023 (2013) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s21.postimg.org/gml8qjzdz/BM_Cv23_ds_6d4ed.jpg)
Batman 023 (2 Covers) (2013) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Batman v2 023 (2013) (Webrip) (2 covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/ykrw1i3h3/Xlu_EN8x.jpg)
Green Lantern Corps 023 (2013) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Green Lantern Corps v3 023 (2013) (Webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](http://s5.postimg.org/696c4gjkn/2013_08_14_07_57_00_Justice_League_of_America.jpg)
Justice League of America 07 (2013) (Webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)