Artifacts 27 (2013) (2 covers) (TaruTariat-Novus)
Artifacts 27 (2013) (2 covers - 2048px) (TaruTariat-Novus-HD)
Artifacts 28 (2013) (TaruTariat-Novus)
Artifacts 28 (2013) (2048px) (TaruTariat-Novus-HD)
Artifacts 29 (2013) (TaruTariat-Novus)
Artifacts 29 (2013) (2048px) (TaruTariat-Novus-HD)
Iron Man - Fatal Frontier 012 (2013) (Infinite comic) (digital) (PeteThePIPster)
Grimm 008 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
Fairest 022 (2014) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
The Dead Boy Detectives 001 (2014) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
Li'l Ernie (2014) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
Scooby-Doo Team-Up 003 (2013) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr
Batman The Dark Knight 026 (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Talon 014 (2014) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
The Manhattan Projects 017 (2014) (Digital) (Archangel & Zone-Empire)
Guardians of the Galaxy 010 (2014) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
New Avengers 013.INH (2014) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Aquaman 026 (2014) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Aw Yeah Comics! 006 (2013) (digital-Empire)
Forever Evil - A.R.G.U.S. 003 (2014) (digital-Empire)
Catwoman 026 (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Damian - Son of Batman 03 (of 04) (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man 007 (2014) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire)
Red Lanterns 026 (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Justice League Dark 026 (2014) (Digital) (Cypher-Empire)
Larfleeze 006 (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 009 (2014) (digital-Empire)
Ghost Cop 02 (of 03) (2013) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire)
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 005 (2014) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire)
Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood 034 (2014) (Digital) (JK-Empire)
Robocop - Last Stand 006 (2014) (Digital) (JK-Empire)
Clone 013 (2014) (Digital) (Fawkes-Empire)
Artifacts 033 (2014) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire)
Rocket Girl 003 (2014) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire)