Sue Thomas: Agentka FBI / Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye / CZ Citace:
Based on a true story, Sue Thomas:F.B.Eye follows the adventures of Sue Thomas at the FBI in Washington, D.C. She's one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys in places listening devices can't penetrate. With her hearing-ear dog, Levi, Sue's a glutton for jeopardy - and there's (almost) nothing she won't do to bring notorious criminals to justice. This remarkable, edge-of-your-seat drama is an inspiring tribute to the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve great things.
- Written by Joshua Brunken
Creators: Dave Alan Johnson, Gary R. Johnson
Stars: Deanne Bray, Yannick Bisson, Rick Peters
Deanne Bray Biography
Born mostly deaf from unknown cause (possibly German measles). Completely deaf in right ear, some residual hearing in left ear in which she uses a hearing aid. Enjoys reading, especially with deaf children. Also enjoys attending deaf community events. Role models include Phyllis Frelich, Linda Bove, Freda Norman and Sue Thomas. In addition to acting, also teaches deaf and hard of hearing children.
Narodila se, z neznámé příčiny (možná zarděnky), téměř neslyšící. Je úplně hluchá na pravé ucho, zbytkový sluch má v levém uchu, ve kterém používá naslouchátko. Ráda čte, a to zejména s neslyšícími dětmi. Také navštěvuje společenské akce neslyšících. Kromě herectví učí neslyšící a nedoslýchavé děti.
Rozměry: 640x480
Trvání: cca 45 minut
Rychlost dat: 1105 kbps
Celková přenosová rychlost: 1212 kbps
Velikost 1 dílu: cca 390 MB
FPS: 25
Kanály: 2 (stereo)
Snímková frekvence: 48 kHz
Jazyk: CZ
Seznam dílů: I/01 - pilot - Sue a Levi (1/2 Pilot)
I/02 - pilot - Mafie z vychodu (2/2 Pilot) I. řada I/03 - Pryc s bombami (Bombs Away)
I/04 - Najemni vrahove (Assassins)
I/05 - Praskac (A Snitch in time)
I/06 - Tichy zlodej (The Signing)
I/07 - Ozvena z minulosti (A Blast from the Past)
I/08 - Ticha noc (Silent Night)
I/09 - Chamtivost (Greed)
I/10 - Diplomaticka imunita (Diplomatic Imunity)
I/11 - Spinava bomba (Dirty Bomb)
I/12 - Loupez (The Heist)
I/13 - Unik informaci (The Leak)
I/14 - Pohresovana (Missing)
I/15 - Nezvedeny otec (Prodigal Fater)
I/16 - Podraz (He Said She Said)
I/17 - Lovec (The Hunter)
I/18 - Uprchlik (The Fugitive)
I/19 - Rostak Billy (Billy the Kid)
I/20 - Nemy svedek (Girl who signed wolf)
I/21 - Odstrelovac (The Sniper)
I/22 - Bezpecnost vlasti (Homeland Security) Heslo
xiniSérie 1. je kompletní.