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 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 
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Příspěvek Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

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Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružné
Vývojář: Infinity Ward
Distributor: Activision
Datum vydání: 04. listopadu 2016

O hře:
zing píše:
Jak už to tak bývá, hra nedorazí jen v jedné edici, kromě standardní edice hry bude k dispozici minimálně Legacy Edition, která se má pochlubit dost zajímavým bonusem - remasterem Modern Warfare.

Soudě dle názvu Modern Warfare Remastered a podoby loga jde o předělávku legendárního Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare z roku 2007. Teoreticky by ale remaster mohl zahrnovat i Modern Warfare 2 z roku 2009. Na definitivní odhalení obsahu remasteru, stejně jako na podrobnosti o platformách a nových featurách, si tak musíme počkat a zatím můžeme jen spekulovat.

Jestli jde vážně o Call of Duty 4, osobně bych byl raději, kdyby šlo jen o záležitost konzolí. Nechci příliš spekulovat a věštit, ale obávám se, že případný remaster hry na PC by byl pravděpodobně ochuzen o věci jako vyhledávač serverů nebo možnost zakládat vlastní servery. Což by bylo nepochybně bolestivé zjištění pro některé veterány, kteří by snad uvažovali nad tím, že by si remaster pořídili a připomněli si staré časy. To by bez kdysi samozřejmých možností nemuselo být možné.

Na druhou stranu Black Ops 3 dokazuje, že Activision je ochotný se alespoň částečně vrátit k ideji podpory vlastních serverů nebo moddingu a určitě by mohlo jít o dobrou příležitost pro ty, kteří s touhle legendou neměli tu čest. Hru by si zkusili alespoň v nějaké podobě a bez nutnosti lovit solidní servery na PC nebo shánět původní konzolové verze.

K oficiálnímu odhalení Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare má dojít příští úterý. Je ale možné, že Activision kvůli všem těm únikům trochu přehodnotí své plány a odhalení lehce uspíší

Remaster oblíbeného Call of Duty: Modern Warfare se stal skutečností, i když zatím nevíme, zda se bude prodávat samostatně. Potvrzeno bylo, že bude zahrnut u Legacy Edition, Digital Legacy Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition a Legacy Pro Edition nového dílu Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Předělávku Modern Warfare ale nemají na starost v Infinity Ward, ale v Raven Software (Heretic, Soldier of Fortune, X-Men Legends, Quake 4, Wolfenstein nebo Singularity). Hra nabídne plně předělanou singleplayerovou kampaň a multiplayer zahrnující jen 10 map, včetně Crash, Backlot a Crossfire. Těšit se můžete na lepší rozlišení textur a detailů, stejně tak propracovanější zvuky a mnoho dalšího.

Raven Software spolupracovali na Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 2, Ghosts, Advanced Warfare i Black Ops 3.

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Na čem to rozjedeš:
• Operační systém: Windows 7 64-Bit nebo novější
• Procesor: Intel Core i3-3225 @ 3.30GHz nebo ekvivalentní AMD
• Operační paměť: 8 GB RAM
• Grafická karta: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB
• DirectX: Verze 11
• Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
• Pevný disk: 70 GB volného místa
• Zvuková karta: kompatibilní s DirectX 11
• Dodatečné poznámky: Časem může hra vyžadovat více místa na disku

Historie aktualizací
03. 11. 2016 - Hra vydána na STEAMu
18. 11. 2016 - Update 1
Fixes for Medals
General fixes for Infected mode
Removing CTF Flags in Winner’s Circle; adjusted session state change for games where there’s no kill cam
Map exploits (we know some of you are reporting one on Genesis; we’re working on it)
Removal of Taunts that weren’t supposed to be unlocked
Localization formatting fixes
Adjusted a challenge to correctly reference Propulsion rather than Rushdown
Fixed typos
Adjusted the challenge for killing players in the air just a tinnnny bit more lenient
EAK ADS fire fix
Fixed an issue where the 2nd player in splitscreen would not earn any Mission Team Progress
Added a sound for tripmine projectile
Fix for Synaptic death going through the ground
Add a win to the top 3 players in FFA modes for leaderboard stats and show victory on the final win/lose/tie HUD
Created more contract between the 3 Scorestreaks that are selected versus the ones that are disabled
Adjusted points for score per bomb plant
Fixed accessory collision on the R.A.W.
Adjusted a Frontline spawn point on Riot due to intersection geometry
Fix for previews of Mission Team emblems when they were still locked
Adjusted gun camos
FFA score increase from 50 to 100
Fixed the collision of the strap on the Karma from glitching through the other side of the gun
DMR-1 – Epic- No longer supports the Variable Zoom Scope
Enlarged the collision shape on cosmetics to prevent clipping with various weapons
Fix for one extra frame of latency that was appearing in the muzzle flashes
Fixed a bug where bots wouldn’t pick up crates in Drop Zone
Fixed a bug where the Stinger would lock on to your own Killstreaks in FFA
Fix for S&D crash
Better win conditions that will prevent draws in Reinforce
Combat Burst duration tuning for CWL
CWL – adjustments to recipe for correct Payloud charge and score rates
Added Infected mode
Adjustment to the Warden Killstreak on Breakout
Pick 10 points are now blue
Added ability to see the chosen Rig and mini combat record of others players in a lobby
Zombies in Spaceland

Fix for pap zappers having no ammo after you pick them back up off the standee
Fix for pap zappers not having camo after putting back on the standee
Fix for Brute having his helmet on incorrectly after removing it after he grabbed a zombie
Fix for zombies who “walk on air”
Fixes for certain cards with the Alien Fight
Front end camera transition fixes
Fix for the croc mouth (sometimes it wouldn’t return to its original height)
Fix for seeing player outlines when they are playing emulated arcade games
Allow clowns to be part of the “kill marked” challenges
Make sure the Brute zombie doesn’t decide to grab/kill zombies who are marked for a challenge
Fix for players being able to jump+sprint down the slide
Add the soul key progression to the front end.
Fix for players being able to repair a window from too far away and avoid being attacked
Fix for N31L’s pause/unpause functionality being broken after letting him auto-pause due to multiple failed challenges in a row
Fixed the occasional crawling zombie playing a standing death animation
Reducing emissive on camos
Give player a hit reward if melee’ing during Infinite Ammo

01. 12. 2016 - Update 2
Hi Steam Community,

Here are the specific notes for the patch we pushed today.
We will be disabling COD Points on Steam shortly.
That was pushed in error.

PC Specific notes
• Fixed an issue where users with long usernames would overflow out of the boundaries of the match loading screen
• Fixed a bug where a user could exceed the 10 point Loadout limit
• Fixed a bug where special characters in a username would cause stuttering for other players
• Fixed the keybind option for Taunts in Winner’s Circle
• Fix for a framerate hitch that causes audio issues when a player progresses from one level to the next in SP
• Added mouse support to the lobby member slide feature
• Fixed a bug when text and voice communications were set to “block”, text communications were still displayed
• Fixed a bug where the game stop responding if a player switched from windowed to full screen
• Fixed a bug where multiple keybinds are getting unbound if a player uses the Copy Keys from mode to mode
• Fixed an issue where PC buttons will briefly display the old help buttons when disabling a gamepad

General Updates
• Notification for the “latest” calling cards from drops
• Fix to Taunt menu selection and audio queues
• Fix for Orion Initiative Mission Team Commander congratulations call out after ranking up
• Fix for accessories not remaining equipped after leaving menu
• Joining a game in-progress and then losing no longer ends your win streak
• Adjusted overlap of text in Calling Card and Emblem menus
• The “Good Citizen” Medal is now correctly awarded to the player who owned the package, not the one who picked it up
• Fix for being awarded Scrap Assist points after dealing damage to a friendly Shock Sentry
• Fix for one of the Synaptic Taunts not appearing correctly
• Adjustment to the Banshee ammo counter animation
• Added ricochet to the Epic Oni prototype, Kaiken
• Fixed a bug where an error would occur after calling in a UAV
• Fixed a bug when holding a weapon and gesturing
• Fix for players being given Missions for Rigs that are not currently unlocked
• Fixed a bug where the Banshee – Siren wasn’t having an impact on other players after being damaged
• Fix for the HUD Uplink satellite drone icon not showing which team controls the drone while in splitscreen
• Fixed a timing bug where a turret would linger on a dead target before proceeding to target another enemy
• Fixed an issue where a player would get the wrong mission in a match
• Fixed a freeze issue when attempting to access the Store
• Fixed a bug where splitscreen users were unable to change their team or role in custom games
• Fix for a bug on Frontier where shadows would flicker in the hallway in splitscreen
• Adjusted the killcam when a player is killed by a Bio Spike on Frontier
• Added function to allow the user to rotate a weapon in the Loadout select menu
• Fixed a bug that would kick a player to the Main Menu when using the Steel Dragon Payload
• Fixed a bug for secondary controllers for users in splitscreen
• Fixed crash that would occur after map restarts
• Fix for users seeing repeat Rig videos
• Removed “Connecting to Matchmaking Service” text in Loadout menu after searching for a Public Match
• Fixed an issue in splitscreen where both users would be kicked from the Loadout Menu if scrolling through it at the same time
• Fixed a bug where users were able to temporarily gain access to locked Loadout slots
• Fixed a bug in splitscreen where a user who enters Prestige would see red on the screen and would cause the player to lose Create A Class functionality, revealing placeholder icons
• Adjusted the death camera from penetrating into corpses on the map
• Fixed a bug on Genesis where the Vulture could get stuck inside of buildings
• Fixed a bug where bots would hover around the position of a dropped flag by the opposing team in CTF
• Fix for various overlapping texts in some menus
• Fixed a bug to ensure the location map for deploying Bombardment and Scorcher streaks wouldn’t be cut off when in splitscreen
• Fix for the cook timer being visually offset in splitscreen
• Fixed an error message and/or infinite loading screen after buying the Season Pass (only specific languages)
• Fix for possible stat loss when signing into the same PSN account on multiple consoles
• Fixed an issue the reticles on the DMR-1 Spectacle prototype are scoped causing the reticles to overlap the edges of sight in-game
• Various lobby merging lobby fixes
• Splitscreen players will now be awarded Keys and Mission Team Rank
• Fixed a bug in the Quartermaster screen that would cause hitching after opening a drop
• Moved Gender Voice Option to Rig Appearance Menu

Zombies in Spaceland
• Potential Luitween Error fix – please let us know if you still experience this in Zombies!
• Further work to ensure AFK players don’t stay in the game and continue to matchmaking
• The Headcutter damage exploit vs. Alien has been balanced
• Adjustment to pause menu visuals during splitscreen

• Fix to 3rd person spectator showing zoomed in winner’s circle
• Add a sync intermission countdown with the host in CODCaster
• Adjustments to team colors/logos in CODCaster
• Fix for menus in CODCaster while in splitscreen
• Removing ricochet tracers for energy weapons in CWL
• Fixed a bug where changes to Team Settings in CODCaster would be reflected in the previous game’s match summary
• Added a “Follow Drone Camera” feature to CODCaster where the drone will be followed when thrown by the spectated player
• Fixed a bug where the Objective Status in the Display Settings is set to “on”, the screen would display red for allies and enemies
• Adjusted the Payload charge rate and score modifier to normal in CWL rules
• Support for

13. 12. 2016 - Update 3
Community Announcements - ashtonisVULCAN_IW
• Fix for a bug in the advanced video option menus
• Fixed an issue where after a player removes their controller in the Create a Class menu in MP, it can cause the gamepad icons and buttons to still appear on screen
• Fix for the Enter Key when being used for keybinding
• Various performance and UI fixes
• Fix for an error message users might see after changing texture resolution options
• Fix for the personalization weapon kits button disappearing in Zombies in Spaceland
• Fix for exiting the game via the Main Menu that can sometimes cause the game to freeze

22. 12. 2016 - Update 4
Nenašel jsem ChangeLog :(

17. 01. 2017 - Update 5
January 17, 2017 - This is being deployed now. Enjoy!


We posted these ahead of the patch being deployed across all PC platforms. We'll have this patch pushed live in a couple of days. Thank you for your patience.


- MkII weapons and all other customization items are now available on Steam via the Quartermaster.
- 2XP will be live starting January 17 until January 23 at 10am PST for all PC users.

General Fixes
• Fix for the Mad Hax taunt in the Winners Circle
• Allow players to change classes up with 5 seconds after prematch is completed
• Fix for the Diamond, Solar, Slime, and Black Sky camos glowing when using the Type-2 akimbo in the left hand
• Fix for various camos not applying correctly to the Epic Karma-45
• Audio adjustments for louder impact sounds when being shot
• Fix for an issue in MP split screen where one of the two players will load into the match without their Perks being shown
• Fix for friendly players not appearing on the minimap when manually controlling the R-C8
• Added a popup for the daily login bonus if you’re signed in while the bonus is given and also adding a sound when the daily login Message of the Day is displayed
• Private/custom matches are now “invite only”
• Fixed an issue where disabling the Team Assignment option would still require the player to select a team in a custom game
• Fixed an issue where rewards for ranking up a Mission Team in MP were appearing as a blank card in the After Action Report
• When being killed by a De-Atomizer strike, players would see a blank icon in the killcam where they should see the last weapon they were killed by. This has been fixed.
• Fixed an issue where a user would complete a challenge in the Victories Challenge section, but the XP for the challenge wouldn’t be shown in the XP Earned in the After Action Report
• Fixed a bug where the High Score challenge wasn’t working properly
• Allow for the loadout menu to scroll to the top when reaching the bottom of the menu
• Adding popup when trying to equip a streak when all streaks are already full
• Fixed a bug where the Steel Dragon would penetrate a player using Bull Charge
• When using the Scarab, friendly names were not appearing. This has been fixed
• Fixed for a bug where the player in first place would appear cloaked in the Winners Circle
• Fixed a bug where in MP splitscreen, the health bar of the second player wouldn’t decrease during a killcam. This has been resolved
• Fixed an issue where the stats of your last match were always followed by a 0 in the Performance tab. This has been fixed to remove the 0.
• Audio adjustment for audio playing late during a cutscene during the Dark Quarry mission in SP
• Various map exploit fixes
• Adjustments to some bomb pickup locations so players don’t have to circle back
• Fix for the Type-2 Butcher akimbo shotgun mode where the energy projectiles were reflecting
• Fixed the collision with the clock face and bowling entrance corners for the Uplink drone on Throwback

• Fix for players being able to receive text communications from another player that has been blocked
• Fix for keyboard navigation being inverted while scrolling through the player list in public lobbies
• Various adjustments for mouse sensitivity
• Fixed a bug where a player would be unable to edit a primary and secondary weapon by using the mouse to click in Create a Class
• Various security and anticheat updates
• Fixed for a player not being able to dodge backwards using Rushdown while using a keyboard and mouse with default bindings

23. 02. 2017 - Update 6
2/14/17 - 1.09 Update

Featured Content and What’s New
• Lobby Party Indicator
• Showing team balance in pre-match lobby
• Combat Record

General Fixes
• General fixes for bugs found in Leaderboards
• Drop Zone: Score limit increase from 600 to 750. Adjustments to hill rotations. Removed high tier streaks from the first hill to prevent an unfair advantage at the beginning of the match. All hills after the first have a chance at all streaks regardless of tier
• Infected and Gun Game: Allow for player customization. Infected will still replace Synaptics with a random default customization. Infected now increase match timer on Survivor suicides
• Slight decrease to the Vulture’s overall speed and acceleration. Slight decrease in damage of the Vulture’s turret
• Fixed crashes and performance issues that could occur when viewing videos in
• will now show if a livestream is a replay
• Fixed green screen that would sometimes appear when exiting the menu
• Fixed players knees clipping into player view if they sprinted while jumping from boost jump height
• Uplink fix where players could pass the drone through ha short wall in Terminal
• Fixed a scrolling issue while in the armory
• A player with the Tracker perk equipped was unable to hear another player boost jumping with the Dead Silence perk equipped. This has been fixed
• Removed showing the public rank in private or system link pause menus
• Fixed Steel Dragon damaging a player with Charge Shield
• Fixed a bug where incorrect information about a player could be displayed in the MP lobby
• Fixed damage feedback icon for not displaying the first time in a round

Xbox One
• Fixed an issue that would cause a player to get removed from the local party at an inopportune time

Zombies in Spaceland/Rave in the Redwoods
• Fixes for players losing their weapons when Pack-a-Punching (ZiS)
• Several out of map exploits fixed (Rave)
• Fix for being able to replenish ammo after putting the harpoon back in the cabinet and picking it up back up • Fix for random dancing zombies that could remain after the music has stopped
• Fix for various zip line bugs that could occur
• Fix for a bug where splitscreen players didn’t have access to options in several menus
• Other miscellaneous bug fixes

• Added an option for players to select how much time they’ll allow for players to edit their loadouts in Rig draft from 0-75 seconds
• Fix for yellow loading icons appearing during CODCaster mode
• Players were able to start a CWL match with 5 players on a team, but only showing 4 on the draft screen. This has been fixed to only allow 4 players maximum while allowing 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4
• Fix for a bug where a player would see incorrect text when hovering over a Rig that another player has already selected
• If a player changes their Rig after selecting their Payloads, the CODCaster would only see the updated Rig, not the updated Payloads. This has been fixed
• Fix for teams appearing on the wrong side of the loading screen if teams were unbalanced

2/3/17 - PC will get the latest update on February 14, pending any issues during our testing.

Featured Content and What’s New
• Demolition Game Mode: February 3rd-10th
• Double Key Weekend: February 3rd-6th
• Added Hardcore Sabotage Moshpit in DLC tab
• Added Sabotage TDM in DLC tab
• Kept a Sabotage Moshpit playlist in DLC tab

General Fixes
• Fix for an issue where switching from one trait to another during round based modes, the new trait would not work
• Fix for players being able to reach an out of bounds area of the map on Dominion
• Fix for the trait icon appearing incorrectly during a killcam if the player selected a new trait midlife
• Reduced kill requirement from 3 to 2 for a single shot of the Gravity Vortex for the Rig body unlock challenge
• Tracking Payload streak kills will continue to count kills after the user has died or the weapon has been put away. This fixes an issue where players were unable to have the second shot from the Gravity Vortex count towards their streak kill progress
• Bull Charge: Player now receives armor (identical to ball-carrier armor) when activated. The player continues to gain armor over time until Bull Charge ends.
• Phase Shift cooldown has increased from 60s to 90s
• Rewind cooldown has increased from 60s to 90s
• Overdrive cooldown has increased from 70s to 90s
• Gravity Vortex cooldown has reduced from 310s to 290s
• Reactive Armor health was reduced from 133HP to 114HP
• Reactive Armor duration has been reduced from 9s to 7s
• Active Camo duration has been reduced from 10s to 7s
• Pulsar cooldown increased from 120s to 150s
• Pulsar marked time has been reduced from 6s to 5s

• Hailstorm: Decreased fire time between bursts. Slight increase in damage range
• DMC-8: Slightly increased damage and damage range
• DCM-8 – Masochist: Lifelink Perk Updated – Large mag size. Taking damage fully regenerates mag.
• Banshee – Siren: Shockwave Perk Updated – Improved damage while sliding. Damage causes hearing loss
• EBR-800 – Osiris: Hunter Killer Perk Updated – No sniper glint. Enemies at low health are highlighted
• Kendall 44 – Cartel: Secondary perk changed to Stability
• DMR-1 – Spectacle: Reflex Perk – Built in custom Reflex Sight now has Tracking Chip and improved ADS time for all scopes
• Rack-9 – Smoothbore: 1 shot kill zone at mid-range now includes lower torso and upper arms
• Kendall 44 – Advantage: Secondary perk changed to Steady
• Mauler – Mammoth: Slower Aim Down Sights and reduced movement speed
• MacTav -45: Slight increase to recoil when firing ADS
• M1: Slightly decreased return speed when firing ADS
• Howitzer Direct Impact kills have been fixed

Zombies in Spaceland/Rave in the Redwoods
• Fix for Spaceland camos appearing instead of Rave camos when a player upgraded weapons using a PAP power-up drop
• Fixed issues with Wall Power and Super Minute Man
• Fix for the “Purify” Fortune Card not properly displaying it’s in-game effects “On activation, players and teammates are healed and cause an explosion that deals damage to nearby zombies.”
• On occasion, players would not be able to melee or crouch after using a zip line. This has been fixed
• Fix for splitscreeen players not earning keys
• Fix for Harpoon Gun kills not counting towards the “Assembly Required” Soul Challenge
• Rank progression widget is now viewable in the Pause menu
• Slasher Saw exploit fix
• Several out-of-map exploits fixed
• Hasselhoff is now selectable
• Key earn rate has been slightly increased
• Various splitscreen HUD fixes

• Fix “Previous” and “First Person” button prompts overlapping while spectating

02. 03. 2017 - Update 7
Nenašel jsem ChangeLog :(

14. 03. 2017 - Update 8
3/14/17 Update

Featured Content and What’s New

• Emblem Editor
• Master Prestige Ranks
• 20 additional Prestige Ranks
Each new Prestige Rank grants permanent bonuses. Bonuses include:
Extra XP from challenges (including Camo challenges)
The ability for Classic weapons to earn De-Atomizer Strikes
Extra starting ammo for Classic weapons
Additional XP for using MKII weapons
As well as new rank icons, Emblems, and Permanent Unlock Tokens

General Fixes
• Fix to enemy names not always appearing on-screen during Killcam
• Audio fixes for Intel Logs in Campaign
• Fixes to party indicators not appearing properly
• Audio fixes for MP and Zombies when having two profiles logged in on PS4
• Gun Perk: Readiness – now reloads faster when mag is low instead of when mag is empty
• Fix for the Weapon Level Up indicator not displaying properly mid-match
• Camo adjustments for the Hailstorm
• Fix for the Axe not appearing properly in the player’s hands when using the Synaptic’s Rushdown Trait
• Fix for the Synaptic using a different gesture instead of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” when viewing in 3rd person
• Various map fixes
• Fix for an issue where trophy systems could deflect a passed Uplink or Defender drone
• Fixed an issue where enemy scorestreak callouts would not play in FFA
• Fix for a bug where the Rigs would be facing the wrong direction in the Winner’s Circle

28. 03. 2017 - Update 9
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Update 1.12 Notes for PC – 3/28/2017

VO Packs: UK Special Forces, Method Man
Weapon additions: VPR and X-Eon

Fix for game mode names appearing incorrectly in Moshpit.
Various leaderboard fixes.
Grind adjustments:
Fixed an issue where players were dropping one less tag than intended in some cases.
Updated default bank speed to 1s per tag.
Fixed an issue where the player could bank tags just outside of the visual radius of the bank.
Added an additional half second increment bank time option in Custom Matches.
Clicking on the Message of the Day would change the Active Mission on PC. This has been fixed.
Reduced Tac Resist challenge from 75 to 40.
Infected Knife Updates: Less lunge range and width. Players have to be a little more accurate when going to melee a target.
Fix for a player’s Rig not holding a weapon after a playing a match and returning to the next pre-game lobby.

31. 03. 2017 - Update 10
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Update Notes for PC – 3/31/2017


Blood Anvil Missions Updates:
Get X Kills with a Ballistic Weapon: now supports Visor Detonations from KBS Longbow – Bombshell and melee kills from the Reaver – Machete.
Get X Kills with an Energy Weapon: now supports alternate-mode kills (melee kills when not in the alternate mode will not count) from the R-VN and from the R-VN – Blowout gun perk, Overcharge.
Micro Turret Changes:
Slightly increased the lock-fire delay.
Slightly reduced accuracy.
Slightly reduced health.
Slightly reduced target lost time.
Fix for the Stryker body challenges earned by getting 2 kills with a single Micro Turret.
Various backend fixes.
MKII weapons now allow personalized camos.
Fix for a bug that caused some Rigs to appear incorrectly in the menus after the last update.
The counter for Tracker is Hardwired, which used to make the footprints disappear more than twice as fast. A recent bug was preventing this from happening. This bug has been fixed, but Hardwired will now make the footprints disappear even faster than it originally did.

03. 05. 2017 - Update 11
Nenašel jsem ChangeLog :(

24. 05. 2017 - Update 12
Ken Jeong Voice Over Pack
CWL Personalization Pack - COD Champs

Allgemeine Fixes:
Updated the Blind Eye perk challenge from "scorestreaks" to "weapon systems" as we have now made this challenge possible by killing micro turrets
Gestures - all cosmetic gestures can now be performed while sprinting
Adjusted the Blackout Grenade to bring its power level and overall consistency closer to that of the Jammer Grenade
Gameplay audio for Defender and Uplink will occur in the Winner's Circle, interrupting the Announcer's End Game win/loss VO lines. This has been fixed
Fix for the Calling Card notification not disappearing after highlighting or equipping the GameBattles calling card
In splitscreen, captured Hardpoint colors would not show different colors with players on different teams. This has been fixe
After entering a prestige, the After Action Report for completing a match would display placeholder images and text for calling cards. This has been fixed
Fix for an error that could occur when a guest player attempts to open the Friend list in the menu during gameplay on Xbox One
Fix for players being stuck on the "Purchasing Supply Drop" screen if they repurchase another drop while the loot ceremony screen is running in the background
Fixes for a few mouse and keyboard issues when accessing the Scorestreak Variants on PC
Fix for some calling cards not being displayed in the preview pane on the right
Fix for the VO line "Last Alive" not playing for the second team with one player left in SnR and SnD modes
Fix for users unable to use the "Change-Up" passive for the legendary T.H.O.R. - Nimbus when using button layouts that use the "toggle aim down sight" setting

Fix for the CODCaster not displaying the proper team color on the objective icons


Jen registrovaní uživatelé mohou vidět odkazy v code. Přihlaste se nebo zaregistrujte ZDARMA.

Jen registrovaní uživatelé mohou vidět odkazy v code. Přihlaste se nebo zaregistrujte ZDARMA.

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Naposledy upravil -Seraphim666- dne 24 kvě 2017, 18:48, celkově upraveno 14

27 dub 2016, 16:29
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Registrován: 18 říj 2010, 13:41
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Tak co, tak co? Co na to říkáte? At tady nevedu monolog... :)

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02 kvě 2016, 19:11

Registrován: 23 lis 2009, 12:08
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Vypada to skvele. Kazdopadne by ma zauijimalo aku to bude mat ochranu .....

Média nám klamú, poznávajme zakázanú pravdu: / /
z USA trollmi nediskutujem, tých rovno posielam do ....

03 kvě 2016, 16:42
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Registrován: 18 říj 2010, 13:41
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Což o to, vypadá to parádně, ale tímto dílem u mě CoD jako takové končí. Tohle už je dojení krávy - "Každý rok vydáme další a další díl at si namastíme kapsy."
Nejvíce mě ale dožralo, že (alespon v den vydání) nebude Modern Warfare Remastered samostatně ke koupi, ale jako součást speciální edice a za tu cenu. No nekupte to...
Jen registrovaní uživatelé mohou vidět odkazy v code. Přihlaste se nebo zaregistrujte ZDARMA.

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03 kvě 2016, 21:03
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Registrován: 18 říj 2010, 13:41
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

O tom není pochyb. Ruku neuvidím jak to budu trhat z pultů... :)

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03 kvě 2016, 21:12

Registrován: 10 kvě 2009, 17:23
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

no nevím já bych raději zpět druhou světovou nebo první než budoucnost, ta mě moc netáhne

04 kvě 2016, 06:56
Colonel 3 rd class
Colonel 3 rd class
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Registrován: 28 srp 2010, 18:23
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Z toho nooveho dielu ma zaujal akurat iba CoD 4 remaster :D Inak klasika CoD = maximalny shite

04 kvě 2016, 21:15
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Registrován: 13 led 2010, 23:47
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

mě ta budoucnost také moct netáhne, já bych bral třeba Vietnam

04 kvě 2016, 21:24
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Registrován: 21 črc 2008, 18:28
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Příspěvek Call of Duty : Infinite Warfare Reveal

Call of Duty : Infinite Warfare Reveal
Jen registrovaní uživatelé mohou vidět odkazy v code. Přihlaste se nebo zaregistrujte ZDARMA.

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Naposledy upravil Sammael dne 16 kvě 2016, 18:19, celkově upraveno 1
Téme přesunuto + sloučeno...

16 kvě 2016, 18:08

Registrován: 16 kvě 2009, 03:05
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Roman6987 píše:
mě ta budoucnost také moct netáhne, já bych bral třeba Vietnam

Přesně tak, her z Vietnamu je málo, něco málo se objevilo hrách: Made-man, Battlefildu Bad Company 2(ale šlo jen o MP balíček), CoD BO1(poslední díl, kde CoD za něco stálo) a defakto zde můžu zařadit i MOH: PA, i když šlo převážně o válku v tichomoří.

Pak čisté hry z Vietnamu: Vietcong 1 a datadisk, 2, pak Men of Valor, 7554: Glorious Memories Revived(málokdo zná), Line of Sight: Vietnam(hra na kterou se zapomělo, právě díky Vietcongu), Shellshock: Nam ´67.

A ze strategii, znám jen: Men of War: Vietnam a Lost Patrol.

CoD, pro mě skončilo prvním dílem BO, které zato ještě stálo a poslendí hratlený díl byl MW 2, na zbytek jsem pak rezignoval, pak šla série prudce dolů a v současné době je to pořád to stejné, bez žádných inovací, hráčí jsou už tímhle přemlsáni a stále se najde někdo kdo to koupí :shock:
Proč taky, když je ta dojná kráva pořád spásá trávu a stále dává mlíko...
Je obrovksá škoda, že nebude Modern Warfare Remastered samostatně ke koupi(dotoho bych i šel), ale takhle kvůli tomu kupovat Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare nebudu, ono se to stejně možná objeví na webu, dřív nebo později. Infinite Warfare bude obrovký Fail, a autoři budou muset MW Remastered nakonec stejně vypustit jako samstatnou hru, aby nahradili ony ztráty.

CPU: Core I5 - 750 (3,8Ghz)
VGA: Sapphire R9 280x Vapor-X 3GB (1070/6200Mhz)
MB: Gigabyte P55-UD3R
RAM: 8GB DDR 3 Kingston 1600Mhz
HDD 2: SEAGATE 500GB(sys)
EDD: 2,32TB(320GB+2TB)
Zvuk: Sound Blaster 2 ZS
Zdroj: SEASONIC M12II-620W

11 čer 2016, 02:23
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Registrován: 18 říj 2010, 13:41
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Tvl to si dělají prdel (omluva)! Tohle je už trošku moc...

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Hodně špatný vtip...

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14 čer 2016, 13:54

Registrován: 18 říj 2008, 20:07
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Podle jejich slov návrat ke kořenům. Musím se smát. Pro mě byl nejlepší MW 1. Od té doby jsem rezignoval

14 čer 2016, 15:31
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Registrován: 10 dub 2010, 20:45
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Stalin : přesně moje slova :shock:

OS WIN 8 / MB MSI B150 PC MATE / CPU Intel Core i5-7400 / RAM Kingston 8GB DDR4 / GPU MSI RADEON RX 480 GAMING X 4G /
HDD Seagate BarraCuda 7200 SATA lll 1TB / SSD Kingston Now UV400 SATA III - 120GB / PSU CORSAIR CX Series 550W

18 čer 2016, 10:17
Colonel 4 th class
Colonel 4 th class
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Registrován: 13 črc 2008, 14:37
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Jojo CoD 2 byla paradní pak 4 díl a pak pro mě ještě MW2 pak jsem ještě hrál MW3 ale to už stálo za prd.
Nejlepší díl série je tak CoD 4 MW a pak MW2. ;-)

ASUS DUAL RTX 3060 TI O8G V2 LHR - Za 18 990 Kč u Mironetu dne 9.9.21

02 črc 2016, 12:16
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Registrován: 18 říj 2010, 13:41
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Příspěvek Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Pre-Loaded venku

Call.of.Duty.Infinite.Warfare.Digital.Deluxe.Edition.Steam.Preload-3DM | 56,3 GB
Call.of.Duty.Infinite.Warfare.Digital.Deluxe.Edition.Steam.Preload-ALI213 | 54,5 GB

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01 lis 2016, 21:58
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