First, make sure you exit out of steam, that is very important.
The first is the crack, the second is the savegame files which work for this crack (one's I am using).
Here is the link for the crack.
This one is for the game saves.
Okay once you are finished downloading, open the file "RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard.rar", and extract it into your game directory. Don't worry it won't overwrite anything.
Start JSGME (the file is very safe, no need to worry about it), it will ask you to choose a directory, just choose the default which is MODS. All you have to do is select okay, nothing else is needed.
The reason why I use JSGME is because once you activate the mod, it will copy what is needed to copy, and back up your original files which is always a good thing too do.
Okay to activate the mod, start JSGME.exe, highlight the name of the mod, and press the right arrow, to deactivate it just highlight the name on the right, and select the left arrow.
All of your original files will be restored so no need to worry.
Now once you have activated the mod via JSGME, now double tap re7.exe, and let the game start.
If the game language turns too russian, don't worry, you can change your language back to english.
To do that, just start the game, go into options, starting from the top, go to the fourth option, in this case press your down arrow key 3 times.
Once there you will see 3 options.
Go to the top one, and press the right arrow until you see something like английский. That is the word for english in russian. Do the same for the one below it, then right click your mouse button.
Okay, start a new game, and let it create a new save game. Once you are done, exit out.
Make your way to the directory "C:\Users\your system name\Documents\CPY_SAVES\CPY\418370\win64_save"
Delete all of those bin files inside the win64_save folder.
Okay, remember the second file you downloaded?
Extract those bin files into this directory you just emptied.
Restart your game, and you should see those save files.
The save game I think you need to load is 0:52 to start with. You could play the other save files, it is up to you.
I hope this works for you, and take care. I am having this odd feeling Capcom won't release an update until sometime later this week.