![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/gxngp6wyf/Ringside_010-000.jpg)
Ringside 010 (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/h07cc10lz/Savage_Dragon_224-000.jpg)
Savage Dragon 224(2017)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/dgpzzyn9z/Deadly_Class_028-000.jpg)
Deadly Class 028 (2017) (Digital-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/8rrmlt4k7/2000_AD-2032-_2017_-_Digital-_Empire_-001.jpg)
2000AD 2032 (2017) (Digital-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/saw7v63br/Action_Comics_2016-_980-000.jpg)
Action Comics 980 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/4zcpjtefr/Batgirl_2016-_011-000.jpg)
Batgirl 011 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/qoblnognr/Batman-_Shadow_2017-_002-000.jpg)
Batman - Shadow 02 (of 06) (2017) (3 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/d64pbe4if/Batman_Beyond_2016-_008-000.jpg)
Batman Beyond 008 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/9dl6vnp07/Blue_Beetle_2016-_009-000.jpg)
Blue Beetle 009 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/cs7ypj9sn/Deathstroke_2016-_019-000.jpg)
Deathstroke 019 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/uwaza67h3/Detective_Comics_2016-_957-000.jpg)
Detective Comics 957(2017)(2 covers)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/yq4fjbot3/Letter_44_033-000.jpg)
Letter 44 033 (2017) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/jmmusyrtj/Mother_Panic_2016-_007-000.jpg)
Mother Panic 007 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/h5fozfxav/The_Hellblazer_2016-_010-000.jpg)
The Hellblazer 010 (2017) (2 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/ajp6ugdav/DC_Super_Hero_Girls_-_Out_of_the_Bottle_2017-.jpg)
DC Super Hero Girls 004 - Out of the Bottle (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/x3f7y3crb/Ghostbusters_101_003-000.jpg)
Ghostbusters 101 003 (2017) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/v7x10odav/Looney_Tunes_1994-_237-000.jpg)
Looney Tunes 237 (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/ep9a7upuf/Optimus_Prime_007-000.jpg)
Optimus Prime 007 (2017) (digital) (Knight Ripper-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/csh5h0ok7/Star_Trek_-_Boldly_Go_008-000.jpg)
Star Trek Boldly Go 008(2017)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/fc86xdmqf/Mickey_Mouse_020-000.jpg)
Mickey Mouse 020 (2017) (digital) (Salem-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/dqxijb1w7/Walt_Disney_s_Comics_and_Stories_738-000.jpg)
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 738 (2017) (digital) (Salem-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/3zr01uonr/Doc_Savage_-_Ring_of_Fire_003-000.jpg)
Doc Savage - The Ring of Fire 003 (2017) (2 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/m6n30t4rb/Valiant_High_004-001.jpg)
Valiant High 04 (of 04) (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/43bmqmfdj/4_Kids_Walk_Into_A_Bank_004-000.jpg)
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank 004 (2017) (digital) (Knight Ripper-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/4dnqnpjdj/Black_Hammer_009-000.jpg)
Black Hammer 009 (2017) (2 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/9ev4p2qtz/Buffy_The_Vampire_Slayer_-_Season_11_007-000.jpg)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 007 (2017) (2 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/6buelpbvb/Death_Be_Damned_004-000.jpg)
Death Be Damned 04 (of 04) (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/e10fowr4n/Rapture_001-000.jpg)
Rapture 01 (of 04) (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/5drton2on/The_Archies-000.jpg)
The Archies (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/52adbvm8n/The_Expanse_Origins_003-000.jpg)
The Expanse Origins 03 (of 04) (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/kqbkio1uf/The_Normals_001-000.jpg)
The Normals 001 (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/tdorwofo7/X-_O_Manowar_2017-_003-000.jpg)
X-O Manowar 003 (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/aiannam3b/24_-_Legacy_-_Rules_of_Engagement_001-000.jpg)
24 - Legacy - Rules of Engagement 001 (2017) (digital) (Salem-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/e5qetcuaf/Angel_-_Season_11_005-000.jpg)
Angel Season 11 005 (2017) (2 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/4hhk3youv/Comic_Book_History_of_Comics_006-000.jpg)
Comic Book History of Comics 006 (2017) (digital) (Salem-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/4bd1scuhj/Lumberjanes_038-000.jpg)
Lumberjanes 038 (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/j3hrjp0ev/Robyn_Hood_-_I_Love_NY_012-000.jpg)
Robyn Hood I Love NY 012(2017)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/op8s1hqhj/Van_Helsing_vs._The_Mummy_of_Amun-_Ra_005-000.jpg)
Van Helsing Vs The Mummy Of Amun-Ra 005(2017)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/oozla0bpz/Jim-_Henson_s---_The-_Power-of-the-_Dark-_Crystal-03-.jpg)
Jim Henson's - The Power of the Dark Crystal 03 (of 12) (2017) (Digital) (Mephisto-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/xhgjxowuv/James_Bond_-_Felix_Leiter_005-000.jpg)
James Bond - Felix Leiter 005 (2017) (Digital-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/hkhs0z4gn/James_Bond_-_Service_Special-000.jpg)
James Bond - Service (2017) (Digital-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/ush5tx1zr/KISS_008-000.jpg)
KISS 008 (2017) (3 covers) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/mxb7suhqv/Red_Team_-_Double_Tap_Center_Mass_009-000.jpg)
Red Team - Double Tap - Center Mass 009 (2017) (digital) (Salem-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/3ktie26vr/Insexts_011-000.jpg)
Insexts 011 (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/4qxicuv6f/Victor_La_Valle_s_Destroyer_001-000.jpg)
Victor LaValle's Destroyer 01 (of 06) (2017) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/qasn71q3b/Pathfinder_-_Runescars_001-000.jpg)
Pathfinder - Runescars 001 (2017) (3 covers) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/404s72st3/Red_Agent_-_The_Human_Order_007-000.jpg)
Red Agent The Human Order 007(2017)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/4fg203eqf/Wonderland_-_Birth_of_Madness-000.jpg)
Wonderland Birth of Madness (2017)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/haa9hmpuf/Jungle_Fantasy_-_Survivors_001-000.jpg)
Jungle Fantasy - Survivors 001 (2017) (ADULT) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)
![Re: Direct Comics Scans 3 (by Goblin)](https://s5.postimg.org/o36105r9z/Catalyst_Prime_-_The_Event_FCBD_-000.jpg)
FCBD 2017 - Catalyst Prime - The Event (2017) (digital-Empire)