The Coconut Revolution (2000)INFO:Dom Rotheroe, UK, english, 2000, 52 min.(en) Bougainville, with a populations of only 160,000 has managed to close and keep closed one of the biggest mines in the world. They have held their ground for a decade with antique weapons and homemade guns. These people have taken on the biggest mining company in the world and won.
This is an incredible modern-day story of a native peoples' victory over Western globalization. Sick of seeing their environment ruined and their people exploited by the Panguna Mine, the Pacific island of Bougainville rose up against the giant mining corporation, Rio Tinto Zinc. The newly formed Bougainville Revolutionary Army began fighting with bows and arrows and sticks and stones against a heavily armed adversary. In an attempt to put down the rebellion the Papua New Guinean Army swiftly established a gunboat blockade around the island. But with no shipments allowed in or out, how did new electricity networks spring up on the island? And how were the people of Bougainville able to drive around the island without any source of petrol or diesel? Watch as the world's first eco-revolution unfolds within the blockade. A David and Goliath story for the 21st century. A multi-award winning documentary.
(sk) Toto je neuveriteľný príbeh zo súčasnosti, kde domorodí obyvatelia porazili Západnú globalizáciu. Zničení z pozerania sa, ako sa ich domov rozpadá pod kolesami a rýpadlami obludných strojov a ako sú ich ľudia vykorisťovaní baňami Panguany, ostrov Bougainville povstal proti gigantickej ťažobnej korporácii Rio Tinto Zinc. Obnovená Bougainvillská revolučná armáda (BRA) začala bojovať s lukmi a šípmi a palicami a kameňmi proti ťažko ozbrojenému nepriateľovi. Na snahu zlikvidovať rebéliu, armáda Papuy-Novej Guinei rýchlo zaviedla blokádu ostrova prostredníctvom delových člnov. Tým ale zastavila aj prívod elektriky a pohonných látok pre celý ostrov a znemožnila tak existenciu korporácií. Vychutnajte si, snáď prvú úspešnú eko-revolúciu v zovretí blokády, príbeh Dávida a Goliáša 21. storočia. Niečo viac o histórii BRA sa dozviete v dokumente First Contact a v dokumente Bougainville: Another Colonial War zas niečo viac o ich politike.
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